
The Difference between the Bible and the Qur’an

Based on a transcript of a lecture by Dr. Gary Miller The Bible is a collection of writings by many different authors. The Qur’an is a dictation. The speaker in the Qur’an – in the first person – is God talking directly to man. In the Bible you have many men writing about God and…

Dear Christian’s Please Ask Yourself ?

“Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take others for Lords besides Allah. And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they…

We Believe in Jesus

We are presenting this not to placate you out of policy or diplomacy. We are only articulating what our Creator had commanded us in the Qur’an (which is translated as follows): “Say (O Muslim), “We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to…

Is the Black Stone an Idol? & Is Pilgrimage a Pagan Rite?

By: Abdus-Samad Sharafuddin Let us examine closely the square-structured Ka’bah (The Holy House) at Makkah, in Arabia, wherein in its Eastern corner lies the Black Stone set up chest-high. Every pilgrim in Makkah tries to kiss and caress it fondly, the first thing upon arrival there. This action marks the start of the act of…

What is the Challenge of the Qur’an with Respect to Arabic Prose & Poetry?

M S M Saifullah, cAbd ar-Rahman Robert Squires & Muhammad Ghoniem The Qur’an in many places challenges the people to produce a surah like it. It appears that the Christian missionaries who call the challenge irrelevent or an utterly subjective criterion are pretty much unaware of how the Arabic poetry and prose compares with the…


by Dr. Zakir Naik CONGRATULATING AN ATHEIST Normally, when I meet an atheist, the first thing I like to do is to congratulate him and say, ” My special congratulations to you”, because most of the people who believe in God are doing blind belief – he is a Christian, because his father is a Christian;…

Was Jesus – ‘Isaa (a.s.) Raised  “Dead”  or  “Alive” ?

By   Akbarally Meherally (He can be contacted by visiting his website: www.mostmerciful.com) Recently I  have received serious queries concerning ‘Isaa (a.s.)’s final days. Here are the verses of the Qur’an on this important subject. TWO IDENTICAL BLESSINGS FOR  TWO PROPHETS IN SURA MARYAM (19): Verse Number 15 of Sura 19: Translation by Yusuf Ali:  So Peace…

Why God’s (Allah’s) Book Cannot Contain Error

1. God Revealed It: – “ Those who disbelieve in the Reminder when it comes to them (are guilty), for indeed it is an Honorable Scripture. Falsehood cannot come at it from before it or behind it. (It is) a revelation from the Wise, the Owner of Praise”[Qur’an 41:41-42] “ Praise be to Allah* Who…

Becoming Companions of the Qur’an

by Farhia Yahya A Qur’anic Generation In the spacious courtyard of the masjid, they sat together turning its glorious pages. The rays of sunlight gently bounced from the soft pages of the Qur’an. Humbled by the greatness of its verses and captivated by the beauty of its words, they were often moved to tears but…

Living By The Qur’an’s Values Is Easy

We have made the Qur’an easy to remember. But is there any rememberer there? (Surat al-Qamar: 17) Allah sent down the Qur’an as a guide to humanity and conveyed the simplest and the best way to lead one’s life. The verses give us the good news that Islam is easy to practice: “Allah desires ease…