
The Precious Moment: Teaching Children the Value of Time

By Sahar KassaimahReprinted from Islam-Online.net “Mom, I am bored!” “Mom, what can I do?” “Can I play outside?” “Can I visit a friend?” These are questions almost every mother hears from her children during summer vacation when children have a lot of free time to spare. Some parents choose the easiest way out and have…

The Importance and Methodology of Tarbiyah(Education & Upbringing)

by Shaikh Ahmed Aways Tarbiyah in Islam is very important, for indeed all of the Deen is based upon tarbiyah (i.e. the education and upbringing of the people). This starts first of all with the education and training of our own selves, then of our families, and then of the community at large. But this…

Teaching the Child Islamic Rules Regarding Puberty

When the child reaches puberty, he becomes fully accountable for his deeds in front of Allah (SWT). It is first and foremost the responsibility of the parents to carry this message to the child. The parents of the adolescent boy should inform him that the first time he ejaculates he becomes accountable for his actions…

Have you Talked with Your Child Today?

By Dr. Aisha Hamdan Have you had a meaningful conversation together? Do you know what your child accomplished today, how he may be feeling, whether or not he has any concerns? Does your child know that you care about him? In Islam, the ties of kinship and family are very strong and something that will…

Building Self-Esteem in Your Child

By Dr. Aisha Hamdan  One of the most important things that parents can do for their children is to help them develop high self-esteem and a positive self image. Self-esteem is an evaluation of the information contained in a person’s self-concept. Self-concept is the combination of terms that a person uses to describe him/herself. Self-esteem…

Guiding Muslim Children

Many Muslim parents wake up one day and find they have a rebellious teenager who they can’t reason with and who is intent on ignoring everyone. Many leave home angry and ignore there parents completely and do whatever they feel like. This is now a sad fact. What can YOU do to avoid this? It…

Islamic Knowledge:

The Key to Raising Righteous and Successful Children By Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya Teaching Islam to our Children: An Important Islamic Duty Islam teaches us different ways to attain success. One best way is to seek Islamic knowledge based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah. We need to spend time, money, efforts, emotions and patience…

The Age of 40 in Islam

“Verily Allah, with Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour, He sends down the rain, and know that which is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allah is All-Knower, All-Aware.” (Aayah No. 34, Surah Luqman, Chapter No. 31,…

Muslim Youth – The Struggle to Maintain the Islamic Personality

The dire consequences of the absence of Islam as the governing system of today’s society are manifesting themselves in all aspects of our lives. The detrimental effects of not having the Islamic social system can be felt regardless of whether we live in the Muslim lands or elsewhere. There is nothing more painful than seeing…

Unity Among Western Muslim Communities

By Dr. Ja`far Sheikh Idris Innal hamdalillaahi nahmaduhu wa nasta`eenuhu wa nastaghfiruh, wa na`oodhubillaahi min shuroori anfusinaa wa sayyi’aati a`maalinaa, wa may yahdi llaahu fa huwal muhtad, wa may yudhlil fa lan tajida lahu waliyyan murshidaa, thumma ammaa ba`d: I think I better start by giving you the characteristics of the ideal Muslim community, as…