Jesus (as)

Jesus, a Muslim, was Neither Killed, nor Crucified.

We have seen that Jesus (pbuh) greeted his disciples like a Muslim, by saying: “Peace be unto you”, when he appeared before them after his so-called ‘resurrection’ (John 20:19). Muslims use the same words to greet, (but in Arabic): Assalaamu Alaikum. We have also seen that the utterances of Jesus have been supportive of and…

Some Thoughts on the ‘Proofs’ of the Alleged Divinity of Jesus

Based on a lecture by Dr. Gary Miller One of the crucial issues which separates Islam and Christianity is their beliefs concerning the nature of Jesus – peace be upon him. The majority of Christians believe that Jesus is “Divine”, i.e. they believe him to be God incarnate. Muslims, on the other hand, beleive that…

The Consequence of Attributing Lineages to a Man who had No Lineage

The uniqueness of Jesus (Peace be upon him) as the Muslims see it is his miraculous birth, being born of the Virgin Mary. This was a greater miracle than arising out of Royal descent. But Mathew and Luke for some reason couldn’t just see it that way, they were hell bent on fulfilling Old Testament…

The Truth about Jesus: The Muslim Nation is More Worthy of Jesus Than All Others

By Yahya Adel Ibrahim All Praise is for Allah alone. He is the Rabb of all that exists. Surely, we send the highest Salah and Salam upon the Final Prophet, the leader of the pious and upon his family, companions and those who follow their example with Ih’san till the Day of Reckoning. Amma Ba‘du: One of the greatest hurdles confronting…

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission

“Say: we believe in God and in what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma’il: Isaac, Jacob and The Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another, among them, and to God do we bow…

We Believe in Jesus

We are presenting this not to placate you out of policy or diplomacy. We are only articulating what our Creator had commanded us in the Qur’an (which is translated as follows): “Say (O Muslim), “We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to…