The Muslim Family

Are Women Crooked by Nature?

The answer to this question becomes clear when we take a look at the next version [ wording ] narrated by Imam Muslim in his Sahih, which reads: Abu Huraira [ ra ] narrated that the Prophet [ saw ] said: “The woman was created from a rib. She will not be straight according to…

Reflecting on the Hijab

By Qismah bint Faisal Bismillah As sisters living in the west we sometimes struggle with our faith, this beautiful deen which is Islam. Walking down any street or through a busy mall it’s clear that society always targets women. Ads are plastered all over walls, billboards with half naked women, which confuse one as to…

How To Treat Your Sisters In Islam

The qualities of Western materialistic life encourage emotional degeneration (you feel nothing) and superficiality. Relationships tend to be noisy, glaring, loud, competitive rather than cooperative, and extremely individualistic (a la Jerry Springer) [This is in reference to a popular U.S. television show that features outlandish, shocking and crude behavior and personal revelations from the guests…


 by Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph. D. PresidentIslamic Research Foundation International, Inc.7102 W. Shefford LaneLouisville, KY 40242-6462, USAE-mail: IRFI@INAME.COM “Such elderly women as are past the prospect of marriage, there is no blame on them if they lay aside their (outer) garments, provided they make not wanton display of their beauty; but it is best for them to…

The Muslim Woman and her Ownself 

Prologue Islam encourages the Muslims to stand out among people, readily distinguishable by their dress, appearance and behaviour, so that they will be a good example, worthy of the great message that they bring to humanity. According to the hadith narrated by the great Sahabi Ibn al-Hanzaliyyah, the Prophet (PBUH) told his Companions, when they…

Woman Traveling Without a Chaperone

By Shaikh Sâmî al-Mâjid The Islamic legal rulings that pertain to the daily affairs of life are always connected to the welfare of the people in their individual lives and in their relationships with each other. Such rulings, therefore, have causes that can be grasped by reason and understood in a clear and precise manner….

What Type of Muslim Sister are You?

What type of sister-in-Islam you are. To find out, do the quiz and learn how to improve yourself. Imagine yourself in each of the following situations and answer truthfully what you would do, choosing the answers a, b, c, or d. Then score yourself to find out what type of sister you are. 1. While…

The Natural Blood of Women

Recitation of the Quran During Menses and Post Natal Bleeding First of all, the Shariah deals with the sexually defiled and menstruating women in very different matters and ways. There are lots of differences between them: 1. The sexually defiled can at any time he wishes remove that state. He/she can make ghusl if there…

Respect for Our Daughters

By Sheikh Salman al-Oadah A person’s need to feel import is something perfectly natural, something instilled in human nature. It may well be that this feeling is behind many of humanity’s greatest inventions, achievements, and noble acts. This is why Allah mentions to us that Abraham (peace be upon him) said: “And ordain for me…

A Muslim Woman and Free Time

Free Time Everyone seems to wish they had more of it. Being a wife and the mother of seven children I have often thought to myself that if only I had some free time I would… What would I do? Here we come to a universal truth about free time. It is used in one…