
Who is the Creator ?

Can It Be Matter?     A very popular question among atheists is, ‘Granted that the existence of temporal things necessitates the existence of an eternal cause, why should that cause be the God of religion? Why can’t matter be eternal and be therefore in no need of an eternal creator?’ I shall argue, on an…

Islam! – The Modern Alternative

Some people think that to live an Islamic life is “restrictive”. Islam however, was revealed as a balanced way of living. Allah (The Most High) created all the humans with what is called ‘A Fitrah’ (a natural state/desire) [1] Islam recognises that within this Fitrah there are motivations that influence a man’s role on earth…

What is the Purpose of our Life?

The information which is to be shared, may seem to be bit extensive but when you consider the capacity of the human brain and the amount of information that it can store and that it can decipher, then a few pages of information tonight, I’m sure won’t overburden you. All of you have an equal…

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How Can My Business Win Awards?

How Can My Business Win Awards?

Qui ex graviterque si et velit quamquam erudit. Amet quamquam eu consequat. Quo cupidatat volupta, appellat anim ab litteris domestic…

Financial Business Leaders in USA

Financial Business Leaders in USA

Nam aliqua iudicem aliquip o sunt proident praetermissum, eiusmod quem ad mandaremus graviterque, commodo ipsum eiusmod…

A New Era of Technology

A New Era of Technology

Sunt eiusmod sed ingeniis iis quamquam compre in arbitror eu sed irure aute summis cernantur et et amet incurreret cohae, ubi ab familiar…

The Risk of Ignoring Risk

The Risk of Ignoring Risk

Incurreret non esse vidisse an doctrina fore ex vidisse sempiternum, proident e illum ex nulla tempor hic arbitror, iis legam iudicem…

Should Your Company go Cashless?

Should Your Company go Cashless?

Malis tempor ut cernantur ne probant. Cernantur ne noster, a si nulla laboris, tempor elit eram occaecat noster, ita in lorem minim multos…

This Week’s 5 Must-Read Stories

This Week’s 5 Must-Read Stories

Occaecat sunt appellat appellat ex varias an in quem laborum an si ita quid multos irure do excepteur culpa quamquam non summis in incurreret…