
Women’s Issues: Inner Modesty

Dr. Aisha HamdanIn Islamic discourse a great deal of emphasis is placed on the issue of hijab for women with much debate about the extent and nature of that covering. This is obviously an important issue for Muslim women, but an equally significant topic is that of Modesty. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam passed…

Sisterhood in Islam

As Muslims sisters strive to gain knowledge about their religion and endeavor to increase their Iman, there is one issue of importance that often seems to be neglected. This is the issue of Sisterhood in Islam. Sisters may greet each other, spend time socializing, give gifts during happy occasions, cook for those who have a…

Lectures on Parenting and Family Matters

Download – (Part 1) – (Part 2 ) – (Part 3)

Children in the Masjid

By Um Walid Nowadays, it is unfortunate that in many masjids both brothers and sisters are annoyed at the presence of children. A cry from a baby or a roaming toddler can sometimes illicit a rude comment. As always, our best example is the prophet (saws). These hadith illustrate the prophet (saws) attitude at the…

Advice from Lukman to his Son

Surah Lukman verse 12-19 Some commentary on these verses from Tafseer Ibn Katheer. *About Lukman there are different interpretation about him. He was most likely a righteous man of African descent and was a distinguished man among his people. There were three probabilities of where he came from. He was either from the area of…

Better than a Doctorate Degree from Harvard

If you see anyone drinking tea, and you ask him what he is drinking, he will tell you “tea.” There is sugar in the tea, but he will not mention the sugar, no one ever says he is drinking tea-and-sugar. No doubt the sweetness of the sugar fills the tea, but the person drinks and…

Courage and the Child

From Al-Fajr.Net [translated by] I direct the parents towards a very important matter, which is, in my opinion, very serious, and that is, raising and nurturing (tarbiyyah) the children upon bravery: Do not let your child watch horror movies, even if it is just a little, because that fear will have terrible consequences on…

The Islamic Perspective

Below are tips and suggestions on parenting the Islamic perspective that I have gathered from various sources. Natural Islamic Parenting is many things it can include any and all of the following: Recognizing the Majesty of the Creator, Allah (swt) Recognizing pregnancy as an ayah (sign) of Allah’s power and creation Recognizing that Allah has…

Teaching Children to Memorise the Qur’an

Allah revealed in the Qur’an; “Allah has favoured the believers by sending them a messenger from among themselves,to recite His verses to them, and teach them the book.” The Prophet (saws) stated; “The best of you is he who has learnt the Qur’an and then taught it.” (Bukhari) As we can see, (or should I…

Fear Allah and Treat Your Children Fairly

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad and upon his family and companions. Allah has enjoined upon children to honour and respect their parents. He has made the parents’ rights very great and has connected duties towards to parents to duties towards Him and the obligation to worship Him…