
The Truth About Walt Disney Company

FACT: Disney hired Victor Salva, a convicted child molester, to direct its movie “Powder.” When Salva’s victim, Nathan Winters (now 20), publicized the hiring, some of the police officers who investigated the 1987 molestation said they were incredulous that Salva was working again as a movie director. “It just blows me away,” said Officer Gary…

Family… and the Sexual Revolution

Prophet Mohammed (saws) said: “Women are the other half of men.” The unit of humanity is not a man or a woman. It is a man and a woman in that unison that makes them a family (just like the smallest part of water is not oxygen or hydrogen but both united). Like Judaism and…

Qur’an Your Gateway to a New World

If we are like most Muslims, we probably have a copy of the Qur’an somewhere in our home. We may not know where it is, but that is only because we never needed to look for it. Most often, it occupies the top shelf in any stack of books (ensuring maximum accessibility!), or found wrapped…

Intention is the Key to Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire

Jamaal al-Din M Zarabozo Some people ask: Why is it that the unbelievers are punished in hell forever while they were not disobedient to Allah forever? Similarly, why will the believers be rewarded with heaven forever while they were obedient to Allah for only a short time in this life? The answer is that the…

From the Weapons of the Believers in their War Against Shaytan:

The greatest thing that can be used as a defense against devils is sticking to the Book and the Sunnah, by one’s knowledge and by one’s actions. The Book and the Sunnah present the straight path, and it is Satan who struggles to steer us from this straight path. Allah says in the Quran, “And…

Allah’s Attributes & the Mistake of Changing Their Meanings

By Br. Abdul Wahid Abdul Muntaqim Ibn al-Qayyim once wrote that love for a beloved originates in the beauty and perfection of the beloved. Hence, by knowing and becoming familiar with Allah’s names, attributes and actions, one will love Him more and his Iman (faith and acceptance) will become stronger. When Ibn Taymiyyah explained what…

40 Naseeha Li-Islaah il-Booyout -The Muslim Home: 40 Recommendations

English Translation Book by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid Introduction All praise be to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our own selves and from our evil deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides, no one can lead astray, and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, no one…

The Creation is in Need of Allah

By Dr. Saleh as-Saleh, “Man always looks for what benefits him and what protects him from harm. However, to accomplish this, man must be able to realize what is harmful. He must then know whom he should need, trust, and love so that he can attain what is beneficial as well as to feel good…

The Ill Effects of Television

By Abu Mohammed Abdur-Rauf Shakir Introduction The great need for discussion of the Islamic perspective concerning the issue of television is clear to us all. Since television has entered the homes of people in every corner of the earth, the rich and the poor, the educated and un-educated, Muslim and non-Muslim – it has become…

The Reality of Belief in the Messengers

By: Islam-QA Mankind’s need for the Messengers: The Prophets are the Messengers of Allah to His slaves; they convey His commands, and give them glad tidings of the delights that Allah has promised them if they obey His commands, and they warn them of the abiding punishment if they go against His prohibitions. They tell…